Hiring managers receive hundreds of CVs, sometimes for a single job posting, and you could make their jobs more difficult by making mistakes on your CV. So, what are some of the things hiring managers hate to see on CVs?
1. Spelling and grammar errors
Spelling and grammar errors are very off-putting. They make you come across as someone who isn’t detail-orientated, or worse as someone with poor grasp of the English language if grammar mistakes are made. Proofread your CV and/or send it to someone to double check for you before sending it to recruiters.

2. Terrible formats
Don’t use graphics or images – majority of recruiters now use applicant tracking system (ATS) test and it will not read them. Keep it clean and professional by using the same easy to read font and colour.
3. Pictures
Among the things hiring managers hate to see on CVs are pictures. Pictures are unnecessary and distracting. The few seconds the hiring managers have should be dedicated to your skills and suitability for the role, and not studying your appearance. Also the ATS will not read/ display pictures.
4. Long sentences and paragraphs
Long sentences and paragraphs are difficult to read and hated by hiring managers as they don’t have enough time to read them. Use short sentences and bullet points to make it easy to identify your suitability for the job.
5. Unrelated information
Don’t provide unnecessary information. Recruiters like to see how your previous experience and qualifications match the job requirements. Make it easy for them by tailoring your CV to the job posting and remove unrelated jobs or experiences/ skills.
For other mistakes to avoid, see this earlier article. If you would like one of our experts to give you a free CV review, please get in contact and an expert will give you helpful tips on how to write a better CV.