With schools and work places encouraging us to stay at home to stop the spread of the coronavirus (covid-19), many of us are left in disorientated states when we finally work or study from home. The struggle to separate home-life from work-life plays out. It is important we find ways to stay focused and positive while working from home.
The Write CV Cover gives you 5 helpful tips and advice on how to stay focused and positive while working or studying from home.
1. Create a designated space for work
Have a separate area for work, so when you enter this space you know it is work time! Some people may already have an office space, in which case confine all your work there. If you have spare room in your house or a guest room create an office space out of it. For others, maybe there is a big/empty space in your dining room that you can turn into an office space.
It is really important to have an area in your home that allows you to separate home-life and work-life. It will enable you to be less distracted and more focused.
2. Take regular breaks from work to stay positive

Don’t put a lot of pressure on yourself, take regular breaks. When we are at the office, our day doesn’t just consist of doing one task after another. We often have meetings, coffee breaks and small talks. Make sure you incorporate similar patterns of changes into your day to avoid boredom and the feeling of stress.
3. Leave home and go for regular walks to stay focused
Walks are great for taking your mind off stressful conditions and environments. Covid-19 lockdown does not mean we still cannot go out. As long as we stay away from crowded places, we are fine. Go for a long walk to your nearest park and reconnect with the outdoor. Of course, it is recommended you stay at home if you are unwell.
4. Organise activities for the children

If you have children, it can get overwhelming to be locked in a house together for long hours. For working parents, it can be even more of an issue. It is important to organise their day, so they are not distracting you too much. Design their daily activities, dividing it between study time and play time. Give them a designated area, even if it is their room to do their activities. This way, they will not interrupt you while you work.
5. Keep the lines of communication open
You may not be able to interact with friends, colleagues and extended family members as often as you were able to before, but you can still Keep your lines of communication open. Have regular video calls and stay connected.